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            Sadaka Home page

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List of publications (17)


G. Sadaka, V. Kalt, I. Danaila and F. Hecht A finite element toolbox for the Bogoliubov-de Gennes stability analysis of Bose-Einstein condensates. Computer Physics Communications, 294, p. 108948, 2024 (pdf).

M. Barchet, G. Sadaka, Z. Zhang, V. Kalt and I. Danaila : Coupling Navier-Stokes and Gross-Pitaevskii equations for the numerical simulation of two-fluid quantum flows. Journal of Computational Physics, 488, p. 112193(1-17), 2023 (pdf).

V. Kalt, G. Sadaka, I. Danaila and F. Hecht : Identification of vortices in quantum fluids : Finite element algorithms and programs. Computer Physics Communications, 284, p. 108606(1-15), 2023 (pdf).

L. A. Mahiout, N. Bessonov, B. KazmierczakG. Sadaka and V. Volpert :Infection spreading in cell culture as a reaction-diffusion wave. ESAIM: M2AN Vol. 56, Num. 3, p. 791 - 814, 2022 (pdf).

A. Makki, A. Miranville and G. Sadaka : On the conserved Caginalp phase-field system with logarithmic potentials based on the Maxwell-Cattaneo law and with two temperatures. Applied Mathematics and Optimisation, Vol. 84, I. 2, p. 1285 - 1316, 2021 (pdf).

G. Sadaka, A. Rakotondrandisa, P.-H. Tournier, F. Luddens, C. Lothodé and I. Danaila : Parallel finite-element codes for the simulation of solid-liquid phase-change systems with natural convection. Computer Physics Communications, 257, p. 107492 (1-26), 2020 (pdf) (more infos).

T. Katsaounis, D. Mitsotakis and G. Sadaka : Boussinesq-Peregrine water wave models and theirs numerical approximation. Journal of Computational Physics : Vol. 417, p. 109579, 2020 (pdf).

G. Sadaka and D. Dutykh : Adaptive Numerical Modeling of Tsunami Wave Generation and Propagation with FreeFem++. MDPI Geosciences, Vol. 10, I. 9, p.351, 2020 (pdf).

A. Rakotondrandisa, G. Sadaka and I. Danaila : A finite-element toolbox for the simulation of solid-liquid phase-change systems with natural convection. Computer Physics Communications, 253, p. 107188(1-20), 2020 (pdf) (more infos).

A. Makki, A. Miranville and G. Sadaka : On the nonconserved Caginalp phase-field system based on Maxwell-Cattaneo law with two temperatures and logarithmic potentials. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-B, Vol. 24, I.3, p. 1341-1365, 2019 (pdf).

S. Mottelet, G. Gaullier and G. Sadaka : Metabolic flux analysis in isotope labeling experiments using the adjoint approach. IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics, Vol. 14 - 2, p. 491-497, 2016 (pdf).

S. Cordier, H. Coulon, O. Delestre, C. Laguerre, M. Hoang Le, D. Pierre and G. Sadaka : FullSWOF_Paral: Comparison of two parallelization strategies (MPI and SKELGIS) on a software designed for hydrology applications. ESAIM: Proceedings, Vol. 43, p. 59-79, 2013 (pdf).

J-P. Chehab and G. Sadaka : On Damping Rates of dissipative KdV equations Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-S, Vol. 6, No. 6., 2013 (pdf).

G. Sadaka : Solution of 2D Boussinesq systems with FreeFem++ : the flat bottom case, Journal of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 20, 303-324, 2012 (pdf).

E. Audusse, C. Chalons, O. Delestre, J. Giesselmann, N. Goutal, M. Jodeau, G. Sadaka, J. Sainte-Marie : Sediment transport modeling : Relaxation schemes for Saint-Venant - Exner and three layer models. ESAIM: Proceedings, Vol. 38, pp. 78-98, 2012 (pdf).

E. Deriaz, B. Després, G. Faccanoni, K. Gostaf, L-M. Imbert-Gerard, G. Sadaka, R. Sart : Magnetic Equations with FreeFem++ : The Grad-Shafranov equation & the current hole. ESAIM: Proceedings, Vol. 32, p. 76-94, 2011 (pdf).

J-P. Chehab, G. Sadaka : Numerical study of a family of dissipative KdV equations, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, Issue 1, 519-546, 2011 (pdf).


In preparation


G. Sadaka : FreeFem++, a tool to solve PDEs numerically, [HAL]-00694787.

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